Cat Halthur
Scientific Training Officer (Biomedical and clinical sciences; Education; Business analytics; Business information management (incl. records, knowledge and intelligence); Human resources and industrial relations; Strategy, management and organisational behaviour; Biomedical engineering; Health sciences; Biostatistics; Applied statistics; Statistical theory; Statistics not elsewhere classified; Epidemiology; Health services and systems; Other health sciences; Public health; Learning, motivation and emotion; Memory and attention; Sensory processes, perception and performance; Decision making; Cognition; Educational psychology; Industrial and organisational psychology (incl. human factors); Psychological methodology, design and analysis; Testing, assessment and psychometrics)
- Progress in Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based study on patients diagnosed in Sweden from 1973-2009.
- Serum calcium and the risk of prostate cancer.
- Reproductive history, lifestyle factors and season as determinants for serum calcium concentrations in women.
- Cancer and Calcium