- DiGSNP: a web tool for Disease-Gene-SNP hierarchical prioritization
- Network-based drug-disease relation prioritization using ProphNet
- Reliable scaling of position weight matrices for binding strength comparisons between transcription factors
- CisMiner: Genome-Wide In-Silico Cis-Regulatory Module Prediction by Fuzzy Itemset Mining
- DrugNet: Network-based drug–disease prioritization by integrating heterogeneous data
- A Mechanistic Study of lncRNA Fendrr Regulation of FoxF1 Lung Cancer Tumor Supressor
- ProphTools: general prioritization tools for heterogeneous biological networks
- Ancient exapted transposable elements promote nuclear enrichment of long noncoding RNAs
- An embryonic stem cell-specific heterochromatin state promotes core histone exchange in the absence of DNA accessibility
- minute: A MINUTE-ChIP data analysis workflow
- Dynamic antagonism between key repressive pathways maintains the placental epigenome