
SciLifeLab Training Hub Roadmap (2023-2030)

online resource
posted on 2023-05-25, 13:19 authored by Jessica LindvallJessica Lindvall, Nina NorgrenNina Norgren

Strategy document for the SciLifeLab Training Hub in form of a Roadmap covering the period 2023-2030, which aligns with the SciLifeLab Roadmap (Roadmap 2020-2030 - SciLifeLab) as well as the KAW/SciLifeLab DDLS Strategy document (DDLS strategy - SciLifeLab). The Roadmap describes how the Training Hub will leverage SciLifeLab knowledge, skills and expertise and transform this into openly available and FAIR (Findable, Applicable, Interoperable, Re-usable) training and lifelong learning for the benefit of Swedish life science community and beyond. The Training Hub Roadmap is interconnected with the accompanying Work Programme, streching over a 5 year period (2023-2028), doi: 10.17044/scilifelab.23129117 

The role of SciLifeLab Training Hub is interlinked with the increasing importance of lifelong learning across the STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine) science topics in general’, something the Swedish government, SciLifeLab and the Higher Educational Institutions across Sweden have lifted as important. By consolidating and coordinating the training efforts across the SciLifeLab ecosystem, the life science community will get easy access to the SciLifeLab infrastructure knowledge, skills and expertise. A Training Hub will support and promote timely, relevant, and openly available training and lifelong learning in SciLifeLab specific topics i.e mirroring the competence and knowledge across the Infrastructure and its associated projects.



Stockholm University