AF_unmasked supplementary movies
These movies are supplementary materials to the reference paper is "AlphaFold Unmasked: integration of experiments and predictions in multimeric complexes", Mirabello et al, Nature Communication, 2024. These movies show the level of conformational dynamics that large molecular complexes can undergo. Conformational variability can be visualised using cryo-EM analysis tools and an also be infered form models obtained with AF_unmasked.
Video1 shows a morph of different conformational states of the NF1 dimer obtained by using AF_unmasked.
Video2 shows a morph of different conformational states of the NF1 monomer obtained both with AF_unmasked and model building on experimental maps.
Video3 shows a movie of the 3D series obtianed from the cryo-EM dataset using 3D variability analysis in cryoSPARC.
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