# General information Authors: Schlegel J.; Porebski B.; Andronico L.; Hanke L.; Edwards S.; Brismar H.; Murrell B.; McInerney G.M.; Fernandez-Capetillo; Sezgin E. Publisher: Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (https://ki.se/) Item DOI: 10.17044/scilifelab.20517336 DOI of the peer-reviewed paper: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04884 Contact e-mail: erdinc.sezgin@ki.se License: CC BY 4.0 This readme file was last updated: 31-03-2023 Please cite as: Schlegel J, Porebski B, Andronico L, Hanke L, Edwards S, Brismar H, Murrell B, McInerney GM, Fernandez-Capetillo O, Sezgin E. A Multiparametric and High-Throughput Platform for Host-Virus Binding Screens. Nano Lett. 2023 Mar 9. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04884. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36892970. # Dataset description This dataset is connected to the following article, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04884 The article is available at a link: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04884. ## Abstract Speed is key during infectious disease outbreaks. It is essential, for example, to identify critical host binding factors to pathogens as fast as possible. The complexity of host plasma membrane is often a limiting factor hindering fast and accurate determination of host binding factors as well as high-throughput screening for neutralizing antimicrobial drug targets. Here, we describe a multiparametric and high-throughput platform tackling this bottleneck and enabling fast screens for host binding factors as well as new antiviral drug targets. The sensitivity and robustness of our platform were validated by blocking SARS-CoV-2 particles with nanobodies and IgGs from human serum samples. ## Dataset items ### .csv-files: LSM & LLSM Quantification Figure_01C: folder "LSM": 24x .csv files Figure_02B: folder "LLSM": 30x .csv files ### .fcs Flow-Cytometry Data Figure_02_C: 6x .fcs files ### .ijm Macro Figure_01C: LSM_VLP-quantification_BSLBs.ijm Figure_02B: LLSM_VLP-quantification_BSLBs.ijm ### .lsm LSM Images Figure_01B: 12x .lsm files ### .pdf Main Figures Figure_01: Figure 1.pdf Figure_02: Figure 2.pdf Figure_03: Figure 3 V2.pdf Figure_04: Figure 4 V2.pdf ### .pzfx GraphPad LSM LLSM Figure_01C: Analysis LSM.pzfx Figure_02B: Analysis LLSM.pzfx ### .svg Supplementary Figures SFigure_01: SupplementaryFigure_01.svg SFigure_02: SupplementaryFigure_02.svg SFigure_03: SupplementaryFigure_03.svg SFigure_04: SupplementaryFigure_04.svg SFigure_05: SupplementaryFigure_05.svg SFigure_06: SupplementaryFigure_06.svg ### .tif MIPs LLSM Figure_02B: 15x .tif files ### .tif MIPs LSM Figure_01B-C: 12x .tif files ### .xlsz Excel SuperPlotsOfData Figure_03A: Figure_03A_Single Receptors_+S_SuperPlotsOfData.xlsx Figure_03B: Figure_03B_Analysis Single Receptors_-S_SuperPlotsOfData.xlsx Figure_03C: Figure_03C_Dual Receptors_+S_SuperPlotsOfData.xlsx Researchers are welcome to use the data contained in the dataset for any projects. Please cite this metadata record upon use or when published. We encourage reuse using the same CC BY 4.0 License. # Software to open files: .csv: Fiji (https://imagej.net/software/fiji/downloads) or Microsoft Excel .xlsx: Microsoft Excel .tif, .lsm: Fiji (https://imagej.net/software/fiji/downloads) .pzfx: GraphPad Prism .svg: Inkscape (https://inkscape.org/) .fcs: FCS Express .pdf: AdobeAcrobat or Mozilla Firefox .ijm: Fiji (https://imagej.net/software/fiji/downloads)