This is a KrakenUniq database built using NCBI non-redundant NT / NR records from June 2020 that includes all microbial organisms (archaea,bacteria,viral,fungi,protozoa,parasitic_worms) plus human reference genome and a few complete eukaryotic genomes, for the full list of orgnisms included into the database please see library-files.txt. The KrakenUniq database was built by Nikolay Oskolkov, Lund University, within the NBIS SciLifeLab long-term support project, PI Anders Götherström, Centre for Palaeogenetics (CPG), Stockholm, Sweden. DOI: 17044/scilifelab.20518251 For questions regarding the database please use or The database was build using KrakenUniq version 0.5.8. For details of database building, please see database-build.log as well as the command lines below: ./krakenuniq-download --db DBDIR --dust microbial-nt ./krakenuniq-download --db DBDIR --taxa "archaea,bacteria,viral,fungi,protozoa,parasitic_worms" --dust --exclude-environmental-taxa nt module load bioinfo-tools module load perl module load jellyfish/1.1.11 ./krakenuniq-build --db DBDIR --kmer-len 31 --threads 10 --taxids-for-genomes --taxids-for-sequences Found jellyfish v1.1.11 Kraken build set to minimize disk writes. Found 5 sequence files (*.{fna,fa,ffn,fasta,fsa}) in the library directory. Skipping step 1, k-mer set already exists. Skipping step 2, no database reduction requested. Skipping step 3, k-mer set already sorted. Skipping step 4, seqID to taxID map already complete. Skipping step 5, taxDB exists. Building KrakenUniq LCA database (step 6 of 6)... Adding taxonomy IDs for sequences Adding taxonomy IDs for genomes Reading taxonomy index from taxDB. Done. Getting database0.kdb into memory (370.837 GB) ... Done Loaded database with 33181953872 keys with k of 31 [val_len 4, key_len 8]. Reading sequence ID to taxonomy ID mapping ... [starting new taxonomy IDs with 1000000001] got 10410911 mappings. Finished processing 10410911 sequences (skipping 0 empty sequences, and 0 sequences with no taxonomy mapping) Writing kmer counts to database.kdb.counts... Writing database from RAM back to database.kdb ... Writing new TaxDB ... LCA database created. [19h12m43.636s] Creating database summary report ... /crex/proj/uppstore2018095/private/NBIS_Demo/KrakenUniq/krakenuniq/KrakenUniq/classify -d ././database.kdb -i ././database.idx -t 20 -r -a ././taxDB -p 12 /dev/fd/63 Database ././database.kdb Loaded database with 33181953872 keys with k of 31 [val_len 4, key_len 8]. Reading taxonomy index from ././taxDB. Done.