
Per Andrén

Professor (Biological sciences; Biomedical and clinical sciences; Chemical sciences; Health sciences)

Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden


  • Region-Specific and Age-Dependent Multitarget Effects of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Tacrine on Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Systems
  • Erratum to: Association of chromosome 19 to lung cancer genotypes and phenotypes
  • Direct imaging of elemental distributions in tissue sections by laser ablation mass spectrometry
  • Uncovering the regional localization of inhaled salmeterol retention in the lung
  • Yale School of Public Health Symposium on tissue imaging mass spectrometry: illuminating phenotypic heterogeneity and drug disposition at the molecular level
  • An introduction to MS imaging in drug discovery and development
  • Future technology insight: mass spectrometry imaging as a tool in drug research and development
  • msIQuant - Quantitation Software for Mass Spectrometry Imaging Enabling Fast Access, Visualization, and Analysis of Large Data Sets
  • Aurora kinase inhibitor nanoparticles target tumors with favorable therapeutic index in vivo
  • Association of chromosome 19 to lung cancer genotypes and phenotypes
  • Editorial and Review: 29th ASMS Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry-Peptidomics: Bridging the Gap between Proteomics and Metabolomics by MS
  • Mass spectrometry imaging identifies palmitoylcarnitine as an immunological mediator during Salmonella Typhimurium infection
  • Asymmetry of the endogenous opioid system in the human anterior cingulate: a putative molecular basis for lateralization of emotions and pain
  • Design, synthesis and in vitro biological evaluation of oligopeptides targeting E. coli type I signal peptidase (LepB)
  • Exemplifying the Screening Power of Mass Spectrometry Imaging over Label-Based Technologies for Simultaneous Monitoring of Drug and Metabolite Distributions in Tissue Sections
  • Striatal Tyrosine Hydroxylase Is Stimulated via TAAR1 by 3-Iodothyronamine, But Not by Tyramine or β-Phenylethylamine
  • How Does the Sweet Violet (Viola odorata L.) Fight Pathogens and Pests - Cyclotides as a Comprehensive Plant Host Defense System
  • Brain Tissue Sample Stabilization and Extraction Strategies for Neuropeptidomics
  • Comprehensive mapping of neurotransmitter networks by MALDI-MS imaging
  • A mass spectrometry imaging approach for investigating how drug-drug interactions influence drug blood-brain barrier permeability
  • Detection of a High-Turnover Serotonin Circuit in the Mouse Brain Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging
  • Efficacy of EBL-1003 (apramycin) against Acinetobacter baumannii lung infections in mice
  • Revealing the Regional Localization and Differential Lung Retention of Inhaled Compounds by Mass Spectrometry Imaging
  • Deficits in Motor Performance, Neurotransmitters and Synaptic Plasticity in Elderly and Experimental Parkinsonian Mice Lacking GPR37
  • Simultaneous mass spectrometry imaging of multiple neuropeptides in the brain and alterations induced by experimental parkinsonism and L-DOPA therapy
  • Non-dopaminergic Alterations in Depression-Like FSL Rats in Experimental Parkinsonism and L-DOPA Responses
  • Mass spectrometry imaging identifies abnormally elevated brain l-DOPA levels and extrastriatal monoaminergic dysregulation in l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia
  • µ Opioid Receptor Agonism for L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson's Disease
  • Well-Plate μFASP for Proteomic Analysis of Single Pancreatic Islets
  • Electrochemically Etched Tapered-Tip Stainless-Steel Electrospray-Ionization Emitters for Capillary Electrophoresis–Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass Spectrometry Imaging proves differential absorption profiles of well-characterised permeability markers along the crypt-villus axis
  • Neuropharmacokinetic visualization of regional and subregional unbound antipsychotic drug transport across the blood–brain barrier
  • Enantioselective CE–MS analysis of ketamine metabolites in urine
  • On-Tissue Chemical Derivatization for Comprehensive Mapping of Brain Carboxyl and Aldehyde Metabolites by MALDI–MS Imaging
  • GABA, glucose and insulin orchestrate CD4+T cells effector functions
  • Basal ganglia neuropeptides show abnormal processing associated with L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia
  • Advances in spatial mass spectrometry enable in-depth neuropharmacodynamics
  • Peptide ion channel toxins from the bootlace worm, the longest animal on Earth
  • Zero-Degree Celsius Capillary Electrophoresis Electrospray Ionization for Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry
  • The Influence of Plant Stress Hormones and Biotic Elicitors on Cyclotide Production in Viola uliginosa Cell Suspension Cultures
  • A Space Efficient Direct Access Data Compression Approach for Mass Spectrometry Imaging
  • Quantitation of Endogenous Metabolites in Mouse Tumors Using Mass-Spectrometry Imaging
  • Molecular imaging identifies age-related attenuation of acetylcholine in retrosplenial cortex in response to acetylcholinesterase inhibition
  • α-synuclein−lipoprotein interactions and elevated ApoE level in cerebrospinal fluid from Parkinson's disease patients
  • Simultaneous imaging of multiple neurotransmitters and neuroactive substances in the brain by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
  • Bromopyrylium Derivatization Facilitates Identification by Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Monoamine Neurotransmitters and Small Molecule Neuroactive Compounds
  • Cross-validated Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging Quantitation Protocol for a Pharmaceutical Drug and Its Drug-Target Effects in the Brain Using Time-of-Flight and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Analyzers
  • Integration of Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Machine Learning Visualizes Region-Specific Age-Induced and Drug-Target Metabolic Perturbations in the Brain
  • Spatial visualization of comprehensive brain neurotransmitter systems and neuroactive substances by selective in situ chemical derivatization mass spectrometry imaging
  • Wide-Ranging Effects on the Brain Proteome in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Following Treatment with a Brain-Targeting Somatostatin Peptide
  • Pyrylium Salts as Reactive Matrices for MALDI-MS Imaging of Biologically Active Primary Amines
  • Development and evaluation of normalization methods for label-free relative quantification of endogenous peptides
  • Proteomics
  • A quantitative peptidomic analysis of peptides related to the endogenous opioid and tachykinin systems in nucleus accumbens of rats following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal
  • Coupling surface plasmon resonance to mass spectrometry to discover novel protein-protein interactions
  • Heat stabilization of the tissue proteome: a new technology for improved proteomics
  • MALDI Imaging and Profiling Mass Spectrometry in Neuroproteomics
  • In vitro neurotoxicity of PBDE-99: immediate and concentration-dependent effects on protein expression in cerebral cortex cells
  • Fine mapping the spatial distribution and concentration of unlabeled drugs within tissue micro-compartments using imaging mass spectrometry
  • Striatal alterations of secretogranin-1, somatostatin, prodynorphin, and cholecystokinin peptides in an experimental mouse model of Parkinson disease
  • Neuropeptidomic analysis of the embryonic Japanese quail diencephalon
  • In vivo investigation of brain and systemic ketobemidone metabolism
  • Essential tactics of tissue preparation and matrix nano-spotting for successful compound imaging mass spectrometry
  • Proteomic profiling of the Baltic Sea cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena strain AV1 during ammonium supplementation
  • The transition of the European Proteomics Association into the future
  • Qualitative and quantitative MALDI imaging of the positron emission tomography ligands raclopride (a D2 dopamine antagonist) and SCH 23390 (a D1 dopamine antagonist) in rat brain tissue sections using a solvent-free dry matrix application method
  • Neuropeptide profiling of the bovine hypothalamus: thermal stabilization is an effective tool in inhibiting post-mortem degradation
  • Identification of protein-protein interactions by surface plasmon resonance followed by mass spectrometry
  • Caveolin-1 interacts with alpha-synuclein and mediates toxic actions of cellular alpha-synuclein overexpression
  • Conductive carbon tape used for support and mounting of both whole animal and fragile heat-treated tissue sections for MALDI MS imaging and quantitation
  • Novel mass spectrometry imaging software assisting labeled normalization and quantitation of drugs and neuropeptides directly in tissue sections
  • In situ mass spectrometry imaging and ex vivo characterization of renal crystalline deposits induced in multiple preclinical drug toxicology studies
  • Imaging mass spectrometry: a user's guide to a new technique for biological and biomedical research. Preface
  • Going forward: Increasing the accessibility of imaging mass spectrometry
  • Neuropeptidomics of mouse hypothalamus after imipramine treatment reveal somatostatin as a potential mediator of antidepressant effects
  • Extensive characterization of Tupaia belangeri neuropeptidome using an integrated mass spectrometric approach
  • Abnormal structure-specific peptide transmission and processing in a primate model of Parkinson's disease and l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia
  • Identification of best indicators of peptide-spectrum match using a permutation resampling approach
  • Developing new methods to answer old and new questions in neurodegenerative diseases: 21(st) Workshop of the HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HBPP) 23-24 January 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Mass spectrometry imaging, an emerging technology in neuropsychopharmacology
  • Mass spectrometry imaging of cassette-dosed drugs for higher throughput pharmacokinetic and biodistribution analysis
  • Discussion point: reporting guidelines for mass spectrometry imaging
  • Neurotoxin-induced neuropeptide perturbations in striatum of neonatal rats
  • High identification rates of endogenous neuropeptides from mouse brain
  • Deuterated matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization matrix uncovers masked mass spectrometry imaging signals of small molecules
  • Chronic nicotine treatment impacts the regulation of opioid and non-opioid peptides in the rat dorsal striatum
  • Developments in biobanking workflow standardization providing sample integrity and stability
  • Controlled-pH tissue cleanup protocol for signal enhancement of small molecule drugs analyzed by MALDI-MS imaging
  • Direct targeted quantitative molecular imaging of neurotransmitters in brain tissue sections
  • Investigating nephrotoxicity of polymyxin derivatives by mapping renal distribution using mass spectrometry imaging
  • Mass spectrometry imaging in drug development
  • Use of ENCODE Resources to Characterize Novel Proteoforms and Missing Proteins in the Human Proteome
  • Analytical utility of small neutral losses from reduced species in electron capture dissociation studied using SwedECD database
  • Evaluation of database search programs for accurate detection of neuropeptides in tandem mass spectrometry experiments
  • The significance of ambient-temperature on pharmaceutical and endogenous compound abundance and distribution in tissues sections when analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging
  • Impact of temperature dependent sampling procedures in proteomics and peptidomics--a characterization of the liver and pancreas post mortem degradome
  • Distribution, level, pharmacology, regulation, and signaling of 5-HT6 receptors in rats and marmosets with special reference to an experimental model of parkinsonism
  • High speed data processing for imaging MS-based molecular histology using graphical processing units
  • Accurate assignment of significance to neuropeptide identifications using Monte Carlo k-permuted decoy databases
  • Chromosome 19 annotations with disease speciation: a first report from the Global Research Consortium
  • High frequency oral movements induced by long-term administration of amperozide but not FG5803 in rats
  • In vitro metabolism of LVV-hemorphin-7 in human plasma studied by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and micro-electrospray mass spectrometry
  • Isolation of haemorphin-related peptides from filter membranes collected in connection with haemofiltration of human subjects
  • Coadministration of (-)-OSU6162 with l-DOPA normalizes preproenkephalin mRNA expression in the sensorimotor striatum of primates with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions
  • Simultaneous analysis of endogenous neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in brain tissue using capillary electrophoresis--microelectrospray-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Determination of extracellular release of neurotensin in discrete rat brain regions utilizing in vivo microdialysis/electrospray mass spectrometry
  • Motor effects of (-)-OSU6162 in primates with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions
  • Identification of glucuronide conjugates of ketobemidone and its phase I metabolites in human urine utilizing accurate mass and tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry
  • Tardive dyskinesia model in the common marmoset
  • The significance of biochemical and molecular sample integrity in brain proteomics and peptidomics: stathmin 2-20 and peptides as sample quality indicators
  • Neuropeptidomics: MS applied to the discovery of novel peptides from the brain
  • Altered extracellular striatal in vivo biotransformation of the opioid neuropeptide dynorphin A(1-17) in the unilateral 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease
  • Electrokinetic-driven microfluidic system in poly(dimethylsiloxane) for mass spectrometry detection integrating sample injection, capillary electrophoresis, and electrospray emitter on-chip
  • Increased levels of ubiquitin in the 6-OHDA-lesioned striatum of rats
  • SwePep, a database designed for endogenous peptides and mass spectrometry
  • Normalization and expression changes in predefined sets of proteins using 2D gel electrophoresis: a proteomic study of L-DOPA induced dyskinesia in an animal model of Parkinson's disease using DIGE
  • Sample pretreatment on a microchip with an integrated electrospray emitter
  • Decreased striatal levels of PEP-19 following MPTP lesion in the mouse
  • Repeated l-DOPA treatment increases c-fos and BDNF mRNAs in the subthalamic nucleus in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease
  • Neuropeptidomics strategies for specific and sensitive identification of endogenous peptides
  • An automated method for scanning LC-MS data sets for significant peptides and proteins, including quantitative profiling and interactive confirmation
  • SwedCAD, a database of annotated high-mass accuracy MS/MS spectra of tryptic peptides
  • In vivo processing of LVV-hemorphin-7 in rat brain and blood utilizing microdialysis combined with electrospray mass spectrometry
  • Peptidomics-based discovery of novel neuropeptides
  • Capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry from a polymer modified poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchip with an integrated graphite electrospray tip
  • In vitro imaging techniques in neurodegenerative diseases
  • Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based microchip for two-dimensional solid-phase extraction-capillary electrophoresis with an integrated electrospray emitter tip
  • Increased striatal mRNA and protein levels of the immunophilin FKBP-12 in experimental Parkinson's disease and identification of FKBP-12-binding proteins
  • Neurokinin B/NK3 receptors exert feedback inhibition on L-DOPA actions in the 6-OHDA lesion rat model of Parkinson's disease
  • Evidence for a role of the 5-HT1B receptor and its adaptor protein, p11, in L-DOPA treatment of an animal model of Parkinsonism
  • Striatal proteomic analysis suggests that first L-dopa dose equates to chronic exposure
  • Method development for identification of ketobemidone metabolites in microdialysate samples by coupled-column capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Behavioral and neurochemical consequences of ibotenic acid lesion in the subthalamic nucleus of the common marmoset
  • (-)-OSU 6162 inhibits levodopa-induced dyskinesias in a monkey model of Parkinson's disease
  • Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry in studies of a substance P-converting enzyme from human cerebrospinal fluid
  • Purification and characterization of substance P endopeptidase activities in the rat spinal cord
  • Blood-brain barrier penetration of 3-aminopropyl-n-butylphosphinic acid (CGP 36742) in rat brain by microdialysis/mass spectrometry
  • Combining solid-phase preconcentration, capillary electrophoresis and off-line matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: intracerebral metabolic processing of peptide E in vivo
  • L-DOPA produces strong induction of c-fos messenger RNA in dopamine-denervated cortical and striatal areas of the common marmoset
  • Naloxone reduces levodopa-induced dyskinesias and apomorphine-induced rotations in primate models of parkinsonism
  • alpha-methylene ordering of acyl chains differs in glucolipids and phosphatidylglycerol from Acholeplasma laidlawii membranes: (2)H-NMR quadrupole splittings from individual lipids in mixed bilayers
  • A neuroproteomic approach to targeting neuropeptides in the brain
  • Acute and repeated treatment with L-DOPA increase c-jun expression in the 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned forebrain of rats and common marmosets
  • Motor effects of a dopamine stabilizer (GMC1111) in primate models of Parkinson and hemiparkinsonism
  • Molecular profiling of experimental Parkinson's disease: direct analysis of peptides and proteins on brain tissue sections by MALDI mass spectrometry
  • Neuropeptidomics: expanding proteomics downwards
  • Exposure to brominated flame retardant PBDE-99 affects cytoskeletal protein expression in the neonatal mouse cerebral cortex
  • Validation of endogenous peptide identifications using a database of tandem mass spectra
  • Use of surface plasmon resonance coupled with mass spectrometry reveals an interaction between the voltage-gated sodium channel type X alpha-subunit and caveolin-1
  • Changes on 5-HT2 receptor mRNAs in striatum and subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease model
  • Analysis of pethidine disposition in the pregnant rat by means of a physiological flow model
  • Intranigral infusion of enkephalins elicits dyskinetic biting in rats
  • Neurobiochemical changes in tardive dyskinesia
  • Analysis of methadone disposition in the pregnant rat by means of a physiological flow model
  • Chronic neuroleptics alter the effects of the D1 agonist SK&F 38393 and the D2 agonist LY171555 on oral movements in rats
  • Methylazoxymethanol (MAM)-induced brain lesion and oral dyskinesia in rats
  • Micro-Electrospray: Zeptomole/attomole per microliter sensitivity for peptides
  • An animal model for coexisting tardive dyskinesia and tardive parkinsonism: a glutamate hypothesis for tardive dyskinesia
  • Regional changes in 2-deoxyglucose uptake associated with neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia in the Cebus monkey
  • Characterization of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity in human cerebrospinal fluid by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry
  • Specific molecular mass detection of endogenously released neuropeptides using in vivo microdialysis/mass spectrometry
  • Intranigral tachykinin NK3 receptor agonist elicits oral movements in rats
  • Spontaneous chewing movements in rats during acute and chronic antipsychotic drug administration
  • Chronic melperone administration does not enhance oral movements in rats
  • Opposite effects of a D1 and a D2 agonist on oral movements in rats
  • Characterization and application of animal models for tardive dyskinesia
  • Modulation of oral movements by intranigral 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor agonists in the rat
  • Neuropeptide changes in a primate model (Cebus apella) for tardive dyskinesia
  • [What is the connection between Parkinson disease and tardive dyskinesia?]
  • Spatial lipidomics reveals brain region-specific changes of sulfatides in an experimental MPTP Parkinson’s disease primate model
  • Label-Free Quantitative Thermal Proteome Profiling Reveals Target Transcription Factors with Activities Modulated by MC3R Signaling
  • Rapid Metabolic Profiling of 1 μL Crude Cerebrospinal Fluid by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging Can Differentiate De Novo Parkinson’s Disease
  • Hydrogen production by a fully de novo enzyme
  • Regional Changes in Brain Biomolecular Markers in a Collagen-Induced Arthritis Rat Model
  • Applying Spatial Metabolomics To Investigate Age- and Drug-Induced Neurochemical Changes
  • Hydrazide-based reactive matrices for the sensitive detection of aldehydes and ketones by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging
  • Spatial multiomic insights into acute cocaine exposure
  • Enduring modulation of dorsal raphe nuclei regulates (R,S)-ketamine-mediated resilient stress-coping behavior
  • Met-ID: An Open-Source Software for Comprehensive Annotation of Multiple On-Tissue Chemical Modifications in MALDI-MSI

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Co-workers & collaborators

Patrik Bjärterot

PhD Student - Uppsala, Sweden

Patrik Bjärterot

Lukas Käll

Lukas Käll

Per Andrén's public data