- Polymorphisms in the CPB2 gene are maintained by balancing selection and result in haplotype-preferential splicing of exon 7
- An evolutionary history of the selectin gene cluster in humans
- Validation of pooled whole-genome re-sequencing in Arabidopsis lyrata
- Accumulation of Mutational Load at the Edges of a Species Range
- Genetic Enhancement of Grain Quality-Related Traits in Maize
- Environmental marginality and geographic range limits: a case study with Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata
- Genetic diversity and climate adaption in "Arabidopsis lyrata"
- Grain quality-related traits in maize: gene identification and exploitation
- Grain quality-related traits in maize: gene identification and exploitation
- Genetic basis and timing of a major mating system shift in Capsella.
- Demographic Processes Linked to Genetic Diversity and Positive Selection across a Species' Range
- On the origin of the widespread self-compatible allotetraploid Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae)
- ngsJulia: population genetic analysis of next-generation DNA sequencing data with Julia language [version 3; peer review: 1 approved, 3 approved with reservations]
- ngsJulia: population genetic analysis of next-generation DNA sequencing data with Julia language
- Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level
- Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level
- ngsJulia: population genetic analysis of next-generation DNA sequencing data with Julia language