"advancing open science to the next level - a research infrastructure perspective" a 10 minutes annotated presentation for the conference "Open Science - from Policy to Practice"
Advancing Open Science - A research Infrastructure perspective is an annotated presentation presented by Associated Professor Jessica Lindvall (Deputy Head of Node ELIXIR-SE/NBIS, Head of Training SciLifeLab) at the conference "Open Science - from Policy to Practice" held 16-17 May 2023 (https://oppenvetenskap.se/). The conference is associated with the Swedish Presidency (http://swedish-presidency.consilium.europa.eu/en/) of the Council of the European Union and is organised by the National Library of Sweden (http://www.kb.se/in-english.html), the Swedish Museum of Natural History (http://www.nrm.se/en/16.html) and the Swedish Research Council (http://www.vr.se/english.html).
The 10 minutes presentation focuses on Open Science from the perspective of Research Infrastructures and carries the title "advancing open science to the next level - a research infrastructure perspective" and brings up good practices delivered from SciLifeLab and ELIXIR-SE/NBIS and well as overarching challenges I believe Research Infrastructures carries today in addition to areas where I believe we can join forces to achieve the goal of Open Science = Science!