Publish code, software and workflows: Examples of why and how from SciLifeLab (with transcript)
This talk was presented remotely for the SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series Autumn 2024 on 24 September 2024. It was presented by Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström (NBIS) on behalf of the SciLifeLab Data Management Support collaboration between National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) and SciLifeLab Data Centre.
Description of the seminar
This seminar aimed to highlight why code, research software and computational workflows are important research assets and it also showcased practical approaches to sharing, citing and getting recognition for your work. It opened with a presentation followed by a dynamic Q&A session to elaborate on motivations and good practices based on examples from the SciLifeLab community.
Revised transcript of the seminar
This presentation and accompanying transcript were created based on a seminar with the same title that was held and recorded on 27 March 2024. The presentation slides and transcripts provided here have been updated with current dates (as of 24 September 2024). Similarly a transcript of the recording has been updated and then edited to improve readability.