
Presentation of SciLifeLab Data Centre services and tools

This presentation was presented at the "Meet a Data Steward" session on the 14th of March 2023. This is part of a series of monthly sessions that are organised by SciLifeLab.

The sessions are open for all researchers affiliated with a Swedish university or institute. Each event starts with a 15 minutes mini-lecture, and 45 minutes of Q & A during which data stewards from SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS (National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden) are available to answer your questions. You can bring your own research question, discuss data sharing, data repositories, data management plans, compute and storage, or other data-related issues.


The topic of this presentation was to give an overview of the tools and services available from the SciLifeLab Data Centre.



Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness Program

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation




Uppsala University