Overview_of_SciLifeLab_resources_230908.pptx (4.54 MB)
Overview_of_NAISS_resources_230908.pptx (2.14 MB)
Overview_of_NSC_resources_Berzelius_230908].pptx (1.07 MB)
Overview_of_ NBIS_UPPMAX_Services_230908.pptx (13.76 MB)
Readme_230908.txt (2.18 kB)
Manifest 230908.txt (0.3 kB)
Compute and storage in datadriven life science event.mp4 (480.61 MB)
7 files

Material related to the "Overview of compute and storage in data-driven life science" webinar Sept 8, 2023

Version 2 2023-09-13, 07:38
Version 1 2023-09-12, 09:40
posted on 2023-09-13, 07:38 authored by Johan RungJohan Rung, Liane HughesLiane Hughes, Johan Raber, Xuan Gu, Soumi Chaki, Marcus LundbergMarcus Lundberg, Ola SpjuthOla Spjuth, Katarina Öjefors StarkKatarina Öjefors Stark, Hanna KultimaHanna Kultima

The webinar "Overview of compute and storage in data-driven life science" was held Sept 8, 2023. In this item, you will find a recording of the event, as well as slides from the speakers at the event.

Compute and storage resources available to the life science field in Sweden are provided by several different organisations. SciLifeLab and the DDLS program are in various ways providing access to infrastructure, new data services, and support to existing ones. We work towards improved coordination and accessibility.At this event on September 8, representatives for SciLifeLab Data Centre, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS), National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden (NAISS) and National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University (NSC) will give an overview of who does what and how to access different services, and how to interact regarding input, feedback or suggested new services. There will also be time for a Q & A.. The talks at the events detail more information about the SciLifeLab Data Platform, as well as user experiences to date.

Presentations in this item:

"Overview of SciLifeLab resources", presented by Liane Hughes, SciLifeLab Data Centre

"Overview of NAISS resources", presented by Johan Raber, NAISS

"Overview of NSC resources (Berzelius)" presented by Xuan Gu

"Overview of NBIS & UPPMAX resources" presented by Marcus Lundberg

Recording of the Compute and storage resources in data-driven life science event (mp4)

Link to the event page:

Link to SciLifeLab Data Platform with information about available compute and storage resources



Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Foundation for Strategic Research

Swedish Research Council



Uppsala University