Introduction and overview of Data Centre services for IT and data management
This presentation was given at the retreat for National Bioinformations Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) on 28th March 2023.
The purpose of the talk was to inform about the different services offered by SciLifeLab Data Centre and to initiate discussions on how they might be used by NBIS.
The talk includes some basic information about services related to pandemic preparedness research (e.g. COVID-19 and pandemic preparedness portal), hosting for apps, machine learning models, and services (e.g. SciLifeLab Serve, SciLifeLab Data Platform), software tools, tools for infrastructure (e.g. Data Delivery System), and data repositories (e.g. SciLifeLab Data Repository).
Anyone working in life science in Sweden that is interested in the services offered by SciLifeLab Data Centre is encouraged to get in touch as