This talk presented examples from the data lifecycle in data stewardship practice at the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS). It was delivered during the | ELIXIR PT Training Data Stewards for Life Sciences: Consolidation Course in Oeiras, Portugal on 16 November 2022.The target audience is data steards in training with a foundation in the differentl aspects of data management. The objective was that the audience at the end of the talk should:
Know examples of challenges an organisation like NBIS has faced, what/how solutions have been put in place, and why
Know examples of more advanced as opposed to simpler challenges, possible solutions, and how they can be approached
Understand how the data life cycle perspectives manifest in an organisation like NBIS
Understand the challenges and be able to propose solutions for the processing stage of the research data life cycle
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS)