
Advantages of a Data Repository for Publishing Supplementary Data in Research Articles

Version 2 2023-09-13, 14:32
Version 1 2023-09-13, 08:28
posted on 2023-09-13, 14:32 authored by Theresa KieselbachTheresa Kieselbach, Kristoffer LindellKristoffer Lindell, Johanna ÖsteråkerJohanna Österåker, Carolin Anna RebernigCarolin Anna Rebernig, Olivia EkmanOlivia Ekman

General description

This catalogue post contains a poster for the conference Trends in Organic Chemistry 2023 at the Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) of Umeå University on 24 August 2023. This poster presents data from the dataset "Analysis of CBCS publications for Open Access, data availability statements and persistent identifiers for supplementary data". SciLifeLab. Dataset.

The poster was prepared using a Power Point document with 8 individual slides in A3-format that were exported as JPEG-images and assembled in an intermediate Power Point document with a size of 90 x 120 cm. The intermediate Power Point document was then saved as a PDF-document that contains the final version of the poster.

Abstract of the poster

In this study, we present an analysis of the publications listed on the homepage of the Swedish Chemical Biology Consortium (CBCS). We looked at some markers for open science including publication with open access, the presence of data availability statements and the application of the FAIR-guiding principles [1, 2]. Most recent CBCS publications are open access articles and many of them include a data availability statement. However, researcher do not seem to take advantage of the new opportunities that data repositories offer them for preparing research data for publications. It seems to be well established in the community to submit sequence data to Genbank and EMBL and structure models to the protein Data Bank and to the Cambridge Structure Data Bank. However, a large amount of research data is provided as supplementary material that frequently has no persistent identifiers and no metadata description [3]. We suggest considering data repositories to prepare supplementary data for publication in research articles because that provides many advantages. For instance, supplementary data can get a persistent identifier and become a citable research output [4]. Examples for suitable research data repositories are Figshare at SciLifeLab, Zenodo and the catalogue of the Swedish National Data Service.


[1] FORCE11 2017, The FAIR Data Principles, viewed 7 July 2023,

[2] Wilkinson, M. D., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. J., Appleton, G., Axton, M., Baak, A., Blomberg, N., Boiten, J. W., da Silva Santos, L. B., Bourne, P. E., Bouwman, J., Brookes, A. J., Clark, T., Crosas, M., Dillo, I., Dumon, O., Edmunds, S., Evelo, C. T., Finkers, R., Gonzalez-Beltran, A., … Mons, B. (2016). The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific data, 3, 160018.

[3] Kieselbach, Thomas Theresa (2023). Analysis of CBCS publications for Open Access, data availability statements and persistent identifiers for supplementary data. SciLifeLab. Dataset.

[4] Splawa-Neyman, Patrick (2018). Figshare and the FAIR data principles. Figshare. Journal contribution.

File formats and software

The file formats that are present in this dataset are:

.jpg (JPEG file)
.pdf/A (Portable Document Format for archiving)
.pptx (Microsoft Power Point 365 file)
.txt (Text file)

All files can be opened with Microsoft Office 365 and work likely also with the older versions Office 2019 and 2016.

MD5 checksums

Here is a list of all files of this dataset and of their MD5 checksums.

1. README.txt (MD5: e73b117b764511a132f7c7998e828322)
2. Manifest.txt (MD5: 5bca2a60a9a3600551483458271300e1)
3. Poster_Advantages_of_a_data_repository_for_publishing_supplementary_data_in_research_articles.pptx (MD5: d1ca64e0c27211e5f431b090af42bb83)
4. Assembly_scheme_for_the_poster.pdf (MD5: 02bec5e8787541eae5a1b5b6cefedf6a)
5. Image_of_slide_1.JPG (MD5:90ed215a38b3cdc68ff1cad61664b890)
6. Image_of_slide_2.JPG (MD5: cd738e4f768b0af4c38956fa6674e021)
7. Image_of_slide_3.JPG (MD5: 5c4844158f662af73f498a6934ecfe32)
8. Image_of_slide_4.JPG (MD5: e8a674c375b811f2b6afb092253d22b4)
9. Image_of_slide_5.JPG (MD5: 79544d42a5af9bc15c1361c44ac14c43)
10. Image_of_slide_6.JPG (MD5: 3252eb8d7a43653d2c9784114b0d916e)
11. Image_of_slide_7.JPG (MD5: 0e236bd29eea2c4797181b73b05829d1)
12. Image_of_slide_8.JPG (MD5: 6010331354e147b638d1094ffaa1198d)
13. Assembled_poster_Advantages_of_a_data_repository_for_publishing_supplemenary_data_in_research_articles.pdf (MD5: 2842a015000fb446f4eebceb5cafd2c7)


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