
SciLifeLab Training Hub Work Programme (2023-2028)

online resource
posted on 2023-05-25, 13:18 authored by Jessica LindvallJessica Lindvall, Nina NorgrenNina Norgren

Strategy document for the SciLifeLab Training Hub in form of a Work Programme covering the period 2023-2028, aligning with the Training Hub Roadmap (doi: 10.17044/scilifelab.23128313). The Work Programme outlines in more detail the initiatives and activities that is to be carried out during the 5 year period. 

The Work Programme is divided into 4 interconnected Strategic objectives, each with dedicated activities assigned to them.

  • Establishing a coherent Training Platform infrastructure, by seamlessly integrating existing technical services and resources -  Building and establishing a system of connected Training Platform services. The systems are aimed to connect seamlessly in the background enabling the users to get the training support needed for both delivering and consuming knowledge. 
  • Building knowledge and skills across the SciLifeLab ecosystem with openly available and FAIR training collections -  To capture the knowledge base and delivery mechanisms needed for engaging the SciLifeLab ecosystem, internal and external. Community establishments, working groups and other forums to ensure knowledge transfer. 
  • Quality and assurance: Promoting standards and best practices for Open Science, Open Education and FAIR -  To develop and implement standards and best practices for Open Science and Open Education in the created training materials and the delivery of the training.
  • Establish a sustainable organisation dedicated to training - 1) Establish a core Training Hub people/organisational infrastructure, 2) Establish a Training Liaison structure across the SciLifeLab ecosystem, and 3) Establish a co-production model for training across the SciLifeLab ecosystem.

General description of the Training Hub

The role of SciLifeLab Training Hub is interlinked with the increasing importance of lifelong learning across the STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine) science topics in general’, something the Swedish government, SciLifeLab and the Higher Educational Institutions across Sweden have lifted as important. By consolidating and coordinating the training efforts across the SciLifeLab ecosystem, the life science community will get easy access to the SciLifeLab infrastructure knowledge, skills and expertise. A Training Hub will support and promote timely, relevant, and openly available training and lifelong learning in SciLifeLab specific topics i.e mirroring the competence and knowledge across the Infrastructure and its associated projects. 



Stockholm University