Editorial: (Micro)bioterrorism: leveraging genomic data to improve anthrax surveillance. Swedish Pathogens Portal.
The Editorial - (Micro)bioterrorism: leveraging genomic data to improve anthrax surveillance (pathogens.se/editorials/microbioterrorism) was published on the Pathogens Portal Apr 5th 2024. This Editorial is a perspective on Bacillus Anthracis, a pathogen known as a biological threat, and how whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data and surveillance can help researchers to respond to cases and threats.
Editorials on the Swedish Pathogens Portals are short, opinion-style articles discussing current thinking in an area related to pandemic preparedness. Some editorials are be written in-house by the portal team, but most will be contributed by members of the Portal Editorial Committee, or external contributors. To read all Editorials, see pathogens.se/editorials/.