Editorial: Influenza A(H5) virus: A potential pandemic threat. Pathogens Portal.
The Editorial: Influenza A(H5) virus: A potential pandemic threat. Pathogens Portal (pathogens.se/editorials/influenza/) was published on the Pathogens Portal Oct 31st 2023. This Editorial is focussed around Influenza as a potential pandemic threat and is written by Mahmoud M Naguib, who is part of the Portal Editorial Committee. Mahmoud M Naguib, PhD, Docent, is working as a researcher at Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Infections and immunity; Åke Lundkvist.
Editorials is a new feature on the Pathogens Portal. The Editorials are focussed on topics within the Portal scope of pathogens, and pandemic preparedness topics, for example, scientific break-throughs, comments, opinions, or viewpoint. Some editorials are be written in-house by the Portal team, but most will be contributed by members of the Portal Editorial Committee, or external contributors. To read all Editorials pathogens.se/editorials/