Editorial: “Feed a gut, and starve a fever” or friendly vs disease-causing pathogens. Pathogens Portal.
The Editorial - "Feed a gut and starve a fever" or friendly vs disease-causing pathogens". Pathogens Portal (pathogens.se/editorials/friendly_deadly_pathogens) was published on the Pathogens Portal Feb 15th 2024. This Editorial is a perspective of what makes a pathogen through the lens of the microbes in our bodies, and how we, as hosts, interact with them.
Editorials is a new feature on the Pathogens Portal. The Editorials are focussed on topics within the Portal scope of pathogens, and pandemic preparedness topics, for example, scientific break-throughs, comments, opinions, or viewpoint. Some editorials are be written in-house by the Portal team, but most will be contributed by members of the Portal Editorial Committee, or external contributors. To read all Editorials pathogens.se/editorials/