Editorial - The pandemic has paved the way for data sharing. Pathogens Portal.
The Editorial - The COVID-19 pandemic has paved the way for data sharing. Pathogens Portal (pathogens.se/editorials/pandemic_data_sharing) was published on the Pathogens Portal Oct 31st 2023. This Editorial is focussed around how COVID-19 has changed research. The COVID-19 pandemic has paved the way for accelerated data sharing, which has contributed to the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines. This year's Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023 was awarded to two Nobel Laureates whose research was important for the development of mRNA vaccines.
Editorials is a new feature on the Pathogens Portal. The Editorials are focussed on topics within the Portal scope of pathogens, and pandemic preparedness topics, for example, scientific break-throughs, comments, opinions, or viewpoint. Some editorials are be written in-house by the Portal team, but most will be contributed by members of the Portal Editorial Committee, or external contributors. To read all Editorials pathogens.se/editorials/