
Immunofluorescence data of 97 host cell proteins in SARS-CoV-2 infected A549-ACE2 cells

posted on 2024-07-02, 09:18 authored by Marianna TampereMarianna Tampere, Trang Le, Jayasankar Mohanakrishnan Kaimal, Adelinn KalmanAdelinn Kalman, Duncan Njenda, Anna Bäckström, Ulrika Axelsson, Hao Xu, Hanna AxelssonHanna Axelsson, Francesco MarabitaFrancesco Marabita, Elisabeth Moussaud-Lamodière, Carolina Oses Sepulveda, Wei OuyangWei Ouyang, Brinton Seashore-LudlowBrinton Seashore-Ludlow, Caroline Vernersson, Ali MirazimiAli Mirazimi, Emma Lundberg, Päivi ÖstlingPäivi Östling, Charlotte StadlerCharlotte Stadler

The data set contains a total of ≈ 11’000 confocal images of A549-ACE2 cell populations including infected and non-infected cells. Cells had been inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 for 1 h, infected for 24 h and fixed thereafter in 96 well plates. Cells were immunostained for SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid (red channel), the endoplasmic reticulum by CALR (yellow) and nucleus by DAPI (blue) – all images in the data set were stained with mentioned antibodies and used as reference markers. On top of the reference markers, 97 different target proteins were stained one antibody per well (green channel). Images were acquired with an Opera Phoenix microscope at 63X magnification, using 18 field-of-view and 6 z-planes per protein target. In the study, intensity differences and spatial re-distribution of the target proteins were evaluated in infected and the non-infected cells.

The image resource was generated in connection to following data resource: "Kaimal, Jayasankar Mohanakrishnan; Axelsson, Ulrika; Le, Trang H.; Tampere, Marianna; Xu, Hao; Axelsson, Hanna; et al. (2022). Immunofluorescence data of 700 host cell proteins in Sars-CoV2 infected vs non-infected VeroE6 cells. SciLifeLab. Dataset."

The image resource was generated in connection to following pre-print article as a follow-up study: Subcellular mapping of the protein landscape of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells for target-centric drug repurposingJayasankar Mohanakrishnan Kaimal, Marianna Tampere, Trang H. Le, Ulrika Axelsson, Hao Xu, Hanna Axelsson, Anna Bäckström, Francesco Marabita, Elisabeth Moussaud-Lamodière, Duncan Njenda, Carolina Oses Sepulveda, Wei Oyuang, Brinton Seashore-Ludlow, Caroline Vernersson, Ali Mirazimi, Emma Lundberg, Päivi Östling, Charlotte Stadler. bioRxiv 2022.03.29.482838; doi:


KAW 2020.0182

KAW 2020.0241



Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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