SciLifeLab Data Management is a collaborative activity between SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS Data Management team. Together we support and collaborate with the Swedish life sciences research community and infrastructure. Our aims are to: maximize the value of life science data, highlight and disseminate information about Open Science, FAIR, and good RDM practices, offer services, tools, and support, and offer courses and training. SciLifeLab Research Data Management Roadshow will visit all SciLifeLab sites during 2024 and 2025. This item contain materials from the RDM Roadshow in Lund, December 11-12 2024.
Target group:
PhD students, postdocs, researchers and infrastructure staff
Presentations in this item:
Overview of Research Data Management, and services and support available from SciLifeLab
Research Data Office and Data Stewards at Lund University
FAIR frukost
Workshop I: Data Management Plans
Workshop II: Data submission to public repositories