Whole genome Tajima's D estimates for individuals of all population of L. tenue per 100 kb windows.
It is part of this article: Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Zervakis, P. I., Postel, Z., Fracassetti, M., Losvik, A., Mehrabi, S., ... & Slotte, T. (2024). Genetic causes and genomic consequences of breakdown of distyly in Linum trigynum. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msae087. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msae087
Estimations were done using vcftools v.0.1.16 on a filtered vcf file.
File's descriptions:
CHROM = the chromosome's name
START = the start position of the 100 kb window
END = the end position of the 100 kb window
TajimaD = the estimated value of Tajima's D for that window
List of the populations:
population 06
population 08
population 17
population 21
population 23
population 26
population 32
population 34
The role of structural variation for the origin and evolution of a classic supergene