The dataset consists clinical data and biobankes samples from 250 critically ill COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care at Uppsala University Hospital.
During intensive care patients are sampled during weekdays. Wholeblood is collected for DNA sequencing. EDTA- and citrate-plasma, with corresponding cell pellets as well as urine is collected and frozen at -80°C until further use. In addition, PBMCs, PAX tubed for RNA-stabilized blood, and CyTOF tubes for single cell proteomics are collected and frozen. At follow-up after 3-6 months and after 1 year from discharge the corresponding convalescent samples are collected and frozen. All included patients, or next of kin sign an informed consent at the inclusion in the study making it possible to use the samples directly for studies focusing on the genetic, physiological and cellular mechanisms behind the disease and to share samples and data with collaborators both nationally and internationally.
Any researcher interested in samples can contact the study to discuss their idea and sample requirements, whereafter material transfer agreements and data transfer agreements can be drafted.
For all patients there is detailed clinical information on underlying disease, disease severity, treatment while in ICU and remaining symptoms and physiology at follow-up after 3-6 months and after one year. The dataset includes all routine biochemistry from one year before admission to the ICU until follow-up. There is diagnostic virus quantification for most patients, antibody titers of IgG, IgA and IgM for the SARS-COV-2 spike protein on most patients, and multiplex data on plasma cytokine expression at admission in most patients. In addition all patients have been genotyped as part of the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative and most patients have Whole Exome Sequencing data.
Clinical patient data are collected in an electronic Case Report Form (eCRF) and stored in a pseudoanonymized database. Genetic and other datasets are identified through the same pseudoanonymization scheme. Any researcher interested in individual data can contact the study to discuss their idea and data requirements, whereafter data transfer agreements can be drafted.