Mutational Signature Contribution of Matched Primary and Recurrent Breast Tumors
Mutational signature contribution table reports COSMIC mutational signatures (v2; for matched primary and locally recurrent tumors (n = 27 + 27). "SUBSTITUTION.TABLE" contains the number of nucleotide substitutions (type by sample). "MUT.SIG.contribution" reorts the fractional contribution of all 30 COSMIC signatures in each samples. "MUT.SIG.contrib.DELTA" reports pair-wise contribution difference (DELTA = contribution.recurrence - contribution.primary) for paired samples.
This dataset was used for Figure 2 in the following manuscript:
"Proteogenomics decodes the evolution of human ipsilateral breast cancer". De Marchi T, Pyl PT, Sjöström M, Reinsbach SE, DiLorenzo S, Nystedt B, Tran L, Pekar G, Wärnberg F, Fredriksson I, Malmström P, Fernö M, Malmström L, Malmström J, Nimèus E. accepted for publication