Influence of the extracellular domain size on the dynamic behavior of membrane proteins
This item contains datasets from Gurdap et al, Biophysical Journal, 2022 ( This includes confocal images of vesicles for partitioning, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy curves, excel and Prism files for all graphs for diffusion and partitoning and svg files of figures.
The dynamic behavior of plasma membrane proteins mediates various cellular processes such as cellular motility, communication, and signaling. It is widely accepted that the dynamics of the membrane proteins is determined either by the interactions of the transmembrane domain with the surrounding lipids or by the interactions of the intracellular domain with cytosolic components such as cortical actin. Although initiation of different cellular signaling events at the plasma membrane has been attributed to the extracellular domain (ECD) properties recently, the impact of ECDs on the dynamic behavior of membrane proteins is rather unexplored. Here, we investigate how the ECD properties influence protein dynamics in the lipid bilayer by reconstituting ECDs of different sizes or glycosylation in model membrane systems and analyzing ECD-driven protein sorting in lipid domains as well as protein mobility. Our data shows that increasing the ECD mass or glycosylation leads to a decrease in ordered domain partitioning and diffusivity. Our data reconciles different mechanisms proposed for the initiation of cellular signaling by linking the ECD size of membrane proteins with their localization and diffusion dynamics in the plasma membrane.
Data Usage
Researchers are welcome to use the data contained in the dataset for any projects. Please cite this item upon use or when published. We encourage reuse using the same CC BY 4.0 License.
Data Content
Excel and Prism files for graphs
Microscopy Images
FCS Curves
Inkscape figure files
Software to open files
.csv - Microsoft Excel
.czi, .lsm - Fiji (
.pzfx - GraphPad Prism
.svg - Inkscape (
.fcs - FoCuS_point (
GUV - giant unilamellar vesicle
GPMV- giant plasna membrane vesicle
DO- di-oleyl
DP- di-palmitol
CD- cluster of differentiation
PODXL- Podocalyxin-like protein
FCS- fluroescence correlation spectroscopy
A488- Alexa 488
ICAM- Intercellular Adhesion Molecule