Restricted access subject to patient consent, ethics and GDPR
Reason: Due to patient consent, local ethics approval and regulations for respective study cohort included, participant-level data cannot be openly shared. In order to minimize the possibility of unintentionally sharing information that can be used to re-identify private information, a subset of the data that support the findings of the study are available from the contact author upon reasonable request depending on the intended use, informed consent, local ethics approval and regulations for respective patient study.
Elevated plasma Complement Factor H Related 5 Protein is associated with venous thromboembolism
The study is based on 6 different cohorts and case control studies of patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE). The six cohorts are briefly as described below:
VEBIOS ER, Swedish acute VTE cohort including 48 cases and 48 controls.
DFW. Swedish acute VTE cohort with 54 cases/146 controls.
FARIVE: French cohort including 582 patients recruited druing initiation of treatment for VTE and 576 hospital-based controls.
VEBIOS Coagulation, Swedish cohort, with 144 cases followed after ending treatment of VTE and 140 controls population-based recluted.
RETROVE, Spanish cohort of 308 cases and 360 controls. Cases were recruted after ending VTE treatment.
MARTHA, French cohort, Patiens with prior VTE. n=774.
The datasets include anonymized participant-level data generated from analyses of plasma samples from the included cohort and case-control studies, including plasma affinity proteomics data, absolute protein quantifications, Thrombin Generation Potential (TGP) measurements, together with clinical chemistry data and clinical information used in the analyses described in the paper.
The data can be made available for validation purposes upon reasonable request (
A reasonable request should contain:
1) Name of PI and host organisation
2) Contact details
3) Scientific purpose of data access request
4) Commitment to inform when the data has been used in a publication
5) Commitment not to host or share the data outside the requesting organisation
6) Statement of non-commercial use of data
Stockholm County Council (Region Stockolm) (FoUI-948982, FoUI-949280, FoUI-950776, FoUI-952641, FoUI-952912, FoUI-954024, FoUI-955547)
Familjen Erling Personssons Stiftelse
Swedish Heart Lung Foundation (20170759, 20170537)
Endothelial specific plasma biomarkers for risk prediction of thrombotic disease
Northern Norway Regional Health Authority
Find out more...Sex-dependent CVD pathogenesis: a focus on endothelial cell phenotype and response to risk factors
Swedish Research Council
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