Dataset of bibliographic information about publications on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-19 by researchers affiliated with a university or research institute in Sweden
This is a metadata record for a continuously updated dataset of preprints and journal articles on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 where at least one author has an affiliation with a Swedish university or research institute. The dataset is created as part of the Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal ( The dataset is manually curated.
The most recent version can be browsed using the following link: The most recent version can be downloaded as a .JSON file using the following link:
For each entry, the dataset contains information automatically imported from Crossref or PubMed such as: publication title, author list, abstract text, journal/preprint server name and other bibliographic information. In addition, each entry is manually assigned categories corresponding scientific field, publication type, acknowledged funder, associated data description and links/accession numbers. Please see the README.txt file for more information about available variables.
Researchers are welcome to use the data contained in the dataset for any projects. Please cite this metadata record upon use. We encourage reuse using the same CC BY 4.0 License.
The dataset is maintained using the Publications web-based reference database system,, built by Per Kraulis ( at the SciLifeLab Data Centre.