Data: Gene expression of Mowat-Wilson syndrome patient derived GABAergic interneurons
IPSC lines established from fibroblasts of both sibling (MW1=26, MW2=27) and two healthy donors (Ctl2=K02 and Ctl8=K08).
Neurocortical differentiation of iPSCs (samples IPS) was carried out as described using Dual-SMAD inhibition that promotes conversion into neural stem cells (NSC) for 10 days (samples INT) followed by directed differentiation into cortical lineages for 65 days (samples D65).
Bulk RNA sequencing reads were aligned to the ENSEMBL human reference genome (Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75) and gene counts were generated using the STAR read aligner. The count data is not normalized and can be used with DESEq2.
Expression data was generated for all three time points IPS -> INT (D10) -> D65
File names are:
Hjärnfonden (FO2019-0210 and FO2020-0171)
Borgström Foundation
Neurodevelopmental disorders: Identification of shared molecular and cellular mechanisms for intervention and prevention
Swedish Research Council
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