Cancer Genes Variant Calling of Matched Primary and Recurrent Breast Cancers
Mutational call table for genes included in COSMIC cancer gene census, the FoundationOne® gene list, genes part of the Memorial Sloan Kettering IMPACT platform, and the list of reported BC driver genes. "SNV.table" reports on aforementioned mutation list for each sample. "SNV.LOGICAL" reports on filtered mutations (i.e. high and moderate impact + missense mutations) for each sample (logical: 0 wild-type, 1 mutated). "SNV.CATEGORICAL.GAIN.LOSS" reports on pairwise mutational changes between recurrent and primary tumors (categorical: -1 loss, 0 no change, +1 gain).
This dataset was used for Figure 3 in the following manuscript:
"Proteogenomics decodes the evolution of human ipsilateral breast cancer". De Marchi T, Pyl PT, Sjöström M, Reinsbach SE, DiLorenzo S, Nystedt B, Tran L, Pekar G, Wärnberg F, Fredriksson I, Malmström P, Fernö M, Malmström L, Malmström J, Nimèus E. accepted for publication