
Affinity proteomics data for Venous thromboembolism biomarker study (VEBIOS)

posted on 2023-03-23, 11:50 authored by Maria Jesus Iglesias MarequeMaria Jesus Iglesias Mareque, Jacob OdebergJacob Odeberg, Lynn Marie Butler, Laura Sanchez-Rivera, David Alexandre Trégouët,, Pierre Emmanuel Morange, Mun-Gwan Hong, Jochen SchwenkJochen Schwenk, Philip Smith, Maria Magnusson, Angela Silveira, Mathias Uhlen, Jose Soria Fernandez, Joan Carles Souto

Affinity proteomics data for Venous thromboembolism biomarker study (VEBIOS)

This dataset contain normalised MFI values from an affinity proteomics screenings in Citrate plasma and EDTA plasma from 96 individuals with suspected acute venous thrombosis. 

The data is disaggregated on individual level with information about sex.

Data linked to other phenotype information has been deposited separately with restricted access available upon request.


Stockholm County Council (Region Stockolm) (FoUI-948982, FoUI-949280, FoUI-950776, FoUI-952641, FoUI-952912, FoUI-954024, FoUI-955547)

Swedish Heart Lung Foundation (20170759, 20170537)

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Northern Norway Regional Health Authority

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Familjen Erling Personssons Stiftelse



Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)

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