This item contains a gzipped archive with nine VCF files, containing quality-filtered and annotated biallelic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected in nine species of krill.
Contents of archive (FILE,SIZE,SPECIES,SAMPLES,SNPs):
earm.vcf,673M,Euphausia similis var. armata,9,1226350
elos.vcf,105M,Euphausia longirostris,3,259710
esim.vcf,395M,Euphausia similis,10,687439
espi.vcf,604M,Euphausia spinifera,17,814566
esup.vcf,540M,Euphausia superba,20,651367
etri.vcf,857M,Euphausia triacantha,20,1048044
eval.vcf,1,7G,Euphausia vallentini,18,2154453
mnor.vcf,399M,Meganyctiphanes norvegica,7,798030
nmeg.vcf,316M,Nematoscelis megalops,9,570719
The VCF files follow the standard VCFv4.2 format, which is available at this external site:
Compared to the VCF files used in analyses, these files have been edited to reflect the species and sample names used in publication figures and tables and long cluster-specific file paths have been removed from commands stored in the VCF headers.
Local adaptation and genome evolution in crustacean zooplankton: how does size matter?